The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys



The Natural Reservation Cheile Rametului are situated in the Center-Eastern side of the Trascau Mountains, on the middle course of Geoagiului Valley, the highest altitude being 1189 meters and the lowest 530 meters. In the Eastern side and the Western side, the reservation is delimited by the glacier that surrounds the limestone mountains Uzmezeu to the North, Fundoi to the South and goes down on the Geoagiului Valley.

The Northern Border is formed by the outskirts that separates the border of the limestone abrupt to the forrest situated near to the cote 1135 m and continues from the East to the West on the border of the abrupt, and the Southern one is constituted the border of a small limestone plateau situated between the cotes 1158 m and 1166 m, dominated by the Piatra din Chei top (1189m). The entrance on the keys is very difficult because on a distance of about 1 km they can be crossed only in a dry season through the waters of the river.

The landscape is very picturesque and only a little modified by man, so that here there are conserved some rare plants, among which many are nature monuments.

The Rametului Keys represent the main objective of the central side of Trascau, the tourists that visit the Ramet Monastery or to admire the wonderful landscape will enjoy a great experience. One of the most appreciated tracks, called “Brana Caprei” crosses the keys on a suspended road 100 m over the water. Although it is not arranged for tourists, we recommend this track to those who are experts in climbing.

There is a scientific interest accorded to this reservation because of its numerous endemic species: Dianthus spiculifolius, Silene dubia, Aconitum moldavicum, Hepatica transsilvanica, Cardamine glanduligera, Viola jooi, Sorbus dacica, Cephalaria radiata, Campanula rotundifolia ssp. kladniana, Centaurea pinnatifoida, Cirsium furiensis etc.
But this interest also has to do with rare species, such as: tisa (Taxus baccata), priboiul (Geranium macrorrhizum), papucul doamnei (Cypripendium calceolus), Aquilegia nigricans ssp. subscaposa, Viola biflora, Daphne cnerorum, Geranium macrorrhizum, Sparganium neglectum, Typha shuttleworthii, Herminium monorchis etc.


Photo galery

The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 1The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 2The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 3The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 4The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 5The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 6The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 7The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 8The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 9The Natural Reservation Rametului Keys / 10



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