Hotel Ceres


Hotel Ceres **

Address: Str. Vilelor Nr. 1
  Geoagiu-Băi, Hunedoara county, Romania

Phone: +40 254 249046




Hotel Ceres in Geoagiu Bai: resort has 250 beds two-star category.

Amenities and facilities: 245 seats, suites, double rooms, restaurant, bar, parking, lift, Conference Hall, sauna, massage, gym, shower, tv.


nu mergeti la acest hotel
am fost in aceasta vare la acest hotel, unde am gasit caremere mici si imbicsite, pereti cu urme de inundatii, bai fara usa si multa mizerie, miros insuportabil, asa ca am facut cale intoarsa la bucuresti, renuntind si la bilete numai sa scap din rog insistent nu mergeti.In schimb partea buna a acestui hotel este personalul de la receptie, dar cu o floare nu se face primavare.Fugiti cat puteti.
 ane2009-08-12 15:04:19

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