Hotel Marion


Hotel Marion ***

Address: Str. Cerbului Nr. 47 (Paurea Rotunda)
  Reghin, 545300, Mureş county, Romania

Phone: +40 265 512232;+40 265 512775

Fax: +40 265 512232;+40 265 512775




In the middle of the oak-forest proclaimed as a natural reservation, the Marion Hotel is built in the one of the most beautiful areas of Reghin city - The Round Forest. It is a place preferred by the local people for sports- , leisure and similar kinds of activities.

The Marion Hotel distinguishes itself in the area by having been built in a medieval architectural style. The forest the hotel is surrounded by serves as a protective shield isolating it from the "rumble" of the city.

Hotel Marion awaits you with the following lodging accomodations:
- one apartment with two rooms
- 27 rooms single/double/matrimonial
- conference room
- restaurant with 80 seats
- assembly hall with up 400 seats

Reconditioned in 2007, providing complete services at reasonable prices , Hotel Marion awaits you with the following lodging accomodations:
- 2 apartments
- 9 matrimonial rooms
- 16 single or double rooms (two beds)

Room rates 2013:

Double Twin
-1 person 79.00 RON
-2 persons 140.00 RON

Double Matrimonial
-2 persons 160.00 RON

-2 persons 200.00 RON


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