The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor



The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor is a scientific reservation, part of the Biosphere Reservation Delta Dunarii, being bordered on the North-West by the Zmeica Lake, on the East, South and South West by the Sinoe Lake, on the West by the Canal 2, on the North by Golovita Lake. On the territory of the reservation the predominant medium is the aquatic one. The terrestrial medium is represented by dry soils, that favored the development of the flora and fauna like the East-European veldt, with Mediterranean influences. Between the 2 mediums, the aquatic and the terrestrial one there is the mud area, liable to inundation, which has flora and fauna having the alternative adapting possibility.

The Reservation offers an ideal environment to 300 species of birds, offering them a shelter and food. In spring, the Sinoe lake drowns the wide surfaces, areas that attract many birds, such as Red and White Califar, ducks, pelicans, etc. Besides the numerous species of birds there reservation also offers shelter to a rare specie in our country, the jackal.

On the hill area there are thistle flowers that offer a beautiful landscape.


Photo galery

The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 1The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 2The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 3The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 4The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 5The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 6The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 7The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 8The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 9The Natural Reservation Grindul Lupilor / 10



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