

Complex Turistic Izvorul Cu Pastravi ***

Address: Str. St. O. Iosif Nr. 12-14
  Buşteni, Prahova county, Romania

Mobile: +40 726 268462;+40 721 089078

Fax: +40 21 3374887




Izvorul cu Pastravi is a minicomplex, formed by 4 villas, the capacity of accommodation being 50 seats, each room having a batthroo, TV and TV cable.

The complex also offers a restaurant with a capacity of 70 seats, surveyed parking, a conference room with a capacity of 40 seats, mountain bikes, ping pong table, football table, karoke, organizing pinball.

- Double room: 135 RON
- Triple room: 150 RON
- Apartment: 200 RON

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Complex Turistic Izvorul Cu Pastravi Buşteni / 1Complex Turistic Izvorul Cu Pastravi Buşteni / 2Complex Turistic Izvorul Cu Pastravi Buşteni / 3


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