The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara



The Corvinesti Castle, also called Corvinilor Castle or Huniazi Castle, is situated in Hunedoara, being the most important architectural monument from Transylvania. The castle was built on a cliff, close to Zlasti River. It was built in the 15th century by Iancu de Hunedoara, on the place of an old fortification.

The castle suffered many transformations, made be his owners in time, so that it was attached with towers, halls and honor rooms, windows and beautifully arranged balcony, becoming this way not only a fortified strategic point, but a pompous place to live tin The gallery and the donjon- the last defending tower, The Capistrano Tower, The Cavaliers Hall, The Mace tower, The White Bastion are just a few of the significant parts of the castle. In the castle there is a paining that has to do with The Raven legend, from which derives the name Corvin of the successors of Iancu de Hunedoara.

In the court of the castle there is now a chapel built during Iancu and a fountain, which, according to the legend had been dug for 15 years by the Turkish prisoners.

Iancu of Hunedoara made significant renovations on the castle between 1441 and 1446, when it was built a new building, having 7 defending towers, and between 1446 and 1453, when it was built the chapel, the palace itself and the Southern side of the castle.

On the will of Iancu’s wife and their son, Matei Corvin’s, king of Hungary, it is built the loggia from the Northern wing and end the construction of the chapel and of the Diete Hall. Therefore, in the 15th century, the castle remains a singular example for the Transylvanian area of fortified noble residence.


Photo galery

The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 1The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 2The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 3The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 4The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 5The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 6The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 7The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 8The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 9The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 10The Corvinesti Castle from Hunedoara / 11



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