The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni



The Sturdza Castle from Miclauseni, Iasi county, was built between 1880 and 1904 by Gheorghe Sturdza. The Castle built in neogothic style, belongs nowadays to the Moldovian and Bucovinean Mythropoly . The Sturdza family received the domain in 1967 , following to become possesion of Ioan Sturdza, on the 19th of April 1699. He rebuilt the conac in 1752, building it on the shape of a cross, with basement and deck-floor. By that time it had 20 rooms, 10 on each floor.
On the area of the old domain, between 1880 and 1904, George Sturdza built a castle, that is built in the late neogothyc style. It had a floor and an attic, being decorated on the outside with elements realised in 1898 in the Art Nouveau style.
The last owner of the castle was Ecaterina Cantacuzino.
During comunism it was a military dynamite deposit, patrimony of the Metalurgic Minister, of the Iasi Popular Regional Council of the University A.I. Cuza from Iasi, following to become in 1960 the center of the children having severe psichycal deficiencies.
In 2001 the Castle was retroceded to the Moldovian Mitropoly from Bucovina. As a result of the given founds, in 2004, from the Mondial Bank, the restauration of the castle started. The restauration works are not ready yet, but the Mitropoly intends to organize here a Museum Complex and a Conference Center.


Photo galery

The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 1The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 2The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 3The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 4The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 5The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 6The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 7The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 8The Sturdza Castle from Miclăuşeni / 9



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