Rezervaţii ale biosferei

The Biosphere Reservation Danube Delta

The Biosphere Reservation Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is situated in Dobrogea and Ukraine, it is the widest Delta from Europe, about 5050 square kilometers together with the lagunar complex Razim-Sinoe, from which 732 square kilometers belong to Ukrain, the main part measuring 2540 square kilometers. The Danube Delta is bordered on the South-West by the Dobrogea Highland, on the North it forms the border with Ukraine and on the East it empties into the Black Sea. In 1991 it was declared reservation of the biosphere and became part of the UNESCO Patrimony.

The Reservation of the Biosphere Pietrosu Rodnei

The Reservation of the Biosphere Pietrosu Rodnei

The Reservation of the Pietrosu Rodnei Biosphere is situated close to Borsa and Moisei and it includes the Northern side of Rodna Mountains. The 3300 hectares of the reservation occupy the alpine gulf and the conifers or mixed forests from Pietrosu Mountain, from where it remarked the Pietrosu Mare top, being 2303 meters high. The reservation is administrated on the National Park Rodna Mountains, having the purpose to conserve the natural habitats, the flora and the fauna, the biologic diversity and the long lasting development of the area.

It is the widest natural complex reservation (geomorphologic, flora and fauna) from the North of our country. Starting with 1979 it was included in the World System of biospheres reservations.

The Biosphere Reservation Retezat

The Biosphere Reservation Retezat

The Retezat Mountains are part of the Meridional Carpathians, the mountain group Retezat Godeanu, situated between the Petrosani and Hateg depressions. The massive si compouned by cristaline rocks and limestones. The part made of cristalin rocks is called Retezatu Mare and the one formed from limestone is called Retezatu Mic and they unify close to Bucura lake. The Reservation has a surface of 20 000 hectares, being the most important reservation from our country, recognized on the international plan as biosphere reservation. The reservation keeps the traces of the glaciations from once, here there are 82 glacial lakes among which we can remember Bucura, situated in 2041 meters altitude, the biggest from our coutry.



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