The National Park Calimani



The National Park Calimani lies on a surface of 24041 hectares, being situated in the Northern Oriental Carpathians, on the massive having the same name. The Vatra Dornei resort is the most important point for the tourists who visit this area. The main characteristic of the relief is given by the massive presence of the eruptive rocks that creat a wonderful landscape. These mountains are volcanic, formed as a result of two major eruptions. On the territory of the park there is the biggest volcanic crater from the country, which has a diameter of 10 kilometers.

The National Park has the following reservations: The Scientific Reservation from Jnepenis with Pinus Cembra, unique in the country and very rare in Europe, the Iezer Lake reservation, The Geological 12 Apostols Reservation, here there are zoomorphic and antromorphic figures, formed as the time passed, from fragments of cemented lava. The most popular are: Mosul, Maresalul, Godzila, Gusterul, Ramses, Dragonii.

The tourists that came here can also visit the Tihu Waterfall, situated at about 500 meters from the confluence with Tihu river, the tops with alpine relief Pietrosu and Hungarian Negoiu.

The main tourist traces are: Sat Gura Hăiții – Pietrele Roșii – Sat Dornișoara; Sat Gura Hăiții – Poiana Izvoarele – Vf. Pietrosu Călimani – Vf. Rățitiș – Vf. Iezerul Călimani – Pasul Păltiniș; Sat Dornișoara – Izvoarele Dornei; Sat Neagra Sarului – Vf. 12 Apostoli – Poiana Izvoarele – Vf. Rățitiș – Vf. Iezerul Călimani – Sat Neagra Sarului; Vatra Dornei – Poiana Spânzului – Poiana Snopului – Apa Rece – Com. Saru Dornei; Sat Poiana Negrii – Vf. 12 Apostoli–Sat Gura Hăiții – Vf. Călimanul Cerbului – Sat Coverca.


Photo galery

The National Park Calimani / 1The National Park Calimani / 2The National Park Calimani / 3The National Park Calimani / 4The National Park Calimani / 5The National Park Calimani / 6The National Park Calimani / 7



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