Pensiunea Diadis


Pensiunea Diadis ***

Address: Str. Marasesti, nr. 8
  Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania

Phone: +40 264 484949

Mobile: +40 752 237449;




The DiaDis pension has rooms with double bed or with 2-3 beds, having modern furniture, central heating, TV, TV cable and their own bathroom.

* Comfortable rooms and extremely clean rooms
* Private terrace in the interrior court
* Wireless internet
* TV cable
* Reception 24 h
* Dining room
* Fully equipped kitchen
* Parking in the garden
* Catering
* Alarm clock services
* Saloon for breakfast
* Video survey

Single room: 100 RON/night
Matrimonial room: 110 RON/night
Double room: 110 RON/night
Triple room: 140 RON/night


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