The National Park of Apuseni



The National Apuseni Park is situated in the Central-North-Western side of the Apuseni Mountain, lies on a part of the massive Bihor on the South and Vladeasa on North, on the territories of the counties Cluj, Bihor and Alba. On the territory of the park there are 53 towns and 3 fun fairs (Boga, Fantanele and Vartop). The highest top of the Apuseni Mountains is Curcubata Mare, also known as Varful Bihor (1849m). The relief is karst, having caves, keys, and defiles. Around the Apuseni Mountains there are over 400 caves.

The main divisions are: Crisului Mountains, Ses-Meseselui, Bihor Massive and Mures Mountains. The Apuseni mountains are crossed by many rivers, and there are also many lakes. The most important rivers are: Somesul Mic, Crisul Repede, Crisul Alb, Crisul Negru, Barcau, Aries, Ampoi and the lakes: Fantanele, Tarnita and Varasoaia.

In the area there are coniferous forests and the fauna is very divers, here there are species such as the martens, the bears, the fox, the wolf, the squirrel, etc.

The researchers Emil Racovita and René Jeannel proposed ever since the 30’s the founding of a park in this area, following that in the 50’s, because of an important discovery, Marcian Bleahu to continue it. This intention was realized only in the 70’s, when there was discovered an important element of this area: it is one of the last natural karst areas with forests, of such dimensions, from Europe.

The main tourist attractions of the National Park Apuseni are: The Rachitele downfall, The Rameti keys, The Turzii/Turenilor Keys, The Fantanele Lake and Tarnita; the caves: Meziad, Scarisoara, Ursilor, Poarta Zmeilor, Vântului; Țara Moților, Cetățile Ponorului and Rădesei.


Photo galery

The National Park of Apuseni / 1The National Park of Apuseni / 2The National Park of Apuseni / 3The National Park of Apuseni / 4The National Park of Apuseni / 5



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